She says: Post-Wedding Sale and Rental!

Here comes the long awaited post-wedding sale and rentals! We have items for sale and items for rent. Most of our For Sale items are in tiffany color scheme. So for Tiffany brides, I hope you can find useful items here. Interested party please contact me @ FOR SALE : Price : 1 pcs @ $2.50. 5 pcs @ $10. All 12 pcs @ … Continue reading She says: Post-Wedding Sale and Rental!

She says: 1st Briefing + Craft Day

Last Saturday, Winston and I conducted our first briefing with our helpers. Started with lunch @ Domino Pizza Katong. Followed by briefing in my house and ended with the wedding craft activity. Winston gave a brief of what’s going to happen on the day. I talked about the dress code, we assigned the task to the helpers. We didn’t manage to brief each team individually … Continue reading She says: 1st Briefing + Craft Day

She says: Confession of a Paperholic

Yesterday was Earth Day (22 April). I wouldn’t brag about being a green person looking at the amount of earth-damage I contributed in my wedding alone. The most-used element in my wedding is paper. I have to confess. I love paper, a  lot. I love stationery since I was young. The main element of my outdoor decoration is paper. I bought almost all aqua paper … Continue reading She says: Confession of a Paperholic

She says: Surprise Wedding Favor in Tiffany Box

My idea of wedding favor is almost fully materialized. I just received the whole package from Wedding Star. Freshly imported from Canada. I am really satisfied with their service, especially Tandy, the young Chinese-Indonesian who run this business in Singapore. When we meet fellow countryman, we could instantly be friends although we never met before. Aside from the mystery wedding favor, I also customized the … Continue reading She says: Surprise Wedding Favor in Tiffany Box